
Hip & Knee Osteoarthritis

Wednesday’s | 9:15am - 10:45am

What is GLA:D Australia?

In 2012 a clinical research team in Denmark designed a program, based on research, for people specifically with hip or knee OA.

GLA:D® – “Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark” – is a program of education and exercise designed to help reduce the symptoms of hip and/ or knee osteoarthritis.

What does GLA:D involve?

GLA:D is an 8-week supervised exercise program, comprising of two education sessions, immediately followed by six exercise sessions.

Each session – education and exercise – will take about 60 minutes. These sessions are run by local physiotherapists who have been trained by GLA:D® Australia.

As well as providing the treatment framework for osteoarthritis, GLA:D® Australia collects research data from participants.

This data is de-identified, which means that it can’t be used to identify participants. We ask you to complete questionnaires with information about your health and your experiences with osteoarthritis before you start, then at 3 months and again at 12 months. Your physiotherapist will also undertake some progression tests. The GLA:D® Australia team will use this information to work towards improving access to the best possible care for people with osteoarthritis.

Why should I try it?

Research from the GLA:D® program in Australia shows an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced analgesic consumption, reduction in perceived need for surgery, and clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.

GLA:D® education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. Through strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

How do I get involved?

Call the clinic on (02) 4413 0349 to arrange an initial assessment or book an initial consultation online here.
